Two of MGI's aged care accountants speaking with a client | MGI SQ
Industry Expertise

Aged Care Accountant

Accountants Specialising In Aged Care Support For A Century

Whether you are a not-for-profit or a corporate provider of services in this industry you need the support of a specialist aged care accountant who have both extensive experience in this field and knowledge of the compliance and reporting requirements in the industry.

The Aged Care industry in Australia faces a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Even in the last few years aged care, residential services have changed significantly in response to increased demand for different lifestyle accommodation options and the sector is forecast to grow by a further 4+% in the next 5 years.

MGI South Queensland have been working with aged care facilities, nursing homes and retirement villages for 100 years and we understand the unique financial challenges in this industry.

We have auditors and accountants specialising in aged care throughout South East Queensland including Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba and Ipswich. Work with an aged care accountant you can trust. Give the team at MGI a call today.

one of MGIs aged care accountants reviewing documents

Being part of a national and global network of accountants means we have specialist expertise in not for profit accounting and healthcare accounting. Find out why we are the accountants aged care organisations rely on to support their goals.

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