We alerted you to recently passed legislation requiring all directors to have a director identification number (DIN). The DIN is a unique number that relates to the director (not the entity).
This is a new requirement for ALL Directors & Alternate Directors of a company.
Details of how to apply can be found here on the ABRS website.
New Directors who have recently been appointed must apply for their own Director ID immediately as the 28 day grace period has now ended.
If you want to become a director you will need a director ID. This includes all overseas Directors.
All new Directors (those who have never previously been appointed as a Director) must apply for their Director ID number prior to appointment.
Please Note: There are no exemptions.
Any individuals who became a Director or Alternate Director prior to 31/10/2021 have until 30/11/2022 to obtain their DIN.
Please be aware that the ABRS may impose large penalties on any directors who have not applied for their DIN within the required timeframe.
If you can’t apply by the date you need to, you can complete an Application for an extension of time to apply for a director ID (NAT 75390, PDF 271KB).
Once you have received your DIN please forward this to our team to insert into our Corporate Secretarial software.
If you have any questions please contact Kym Steenberg at ksteenberg@mgisq.com.au
Find out how to apply for a Director ID.